As a slightly more mature companion, I have had the time to experience many wonderful adventures in my life. I have had the privilege of living in Europe, I speak 2 languages fluently, and an additional language conversationally. My formal education is at the level appropriate for a companion of my caliber as I have a conferred undergraduate and graduate degree in the sciences.

Physically, I take pride in my appearance and believe that my body is my temple. I push myself physically to not only maintain my size 0 figure, but to also train my mind to deal with the discomfort of life that we inevitably face, and to have the mental agility to keep up with witty banter, and to add my personal touch of elegance and charm

I describe myself as “exotic” because I don’t quite fit into the one-box category. My smooth honey-colored skin and almond shaped eyes come from a blend of Afro-Caribbean, Spanish and European lineage. Though raised in the U.S., and socially adept in many elite circles, culturally, I identify with my Caribbean roots and hold many of my cultural traditions near to my heart.

As any woman, I enjoy adorning myself with luxurious clothes and accessories, but I lean more towards the elegant and understated look, and will save my exhibitionist side for our time behind closed doors.

During our time together, we will connect like old friends. I will charm you with the attention you crave and the conversations that have long been void in your day-to-day life.  Think of me like that crush you had for years. Now finally get to act upon those decades of built up desire.

Ultimately, our time together is really about indulging in your true self. I am the reflection of the passion and desire that you can only indulge in during bespoke moments, but that fully remind you of the man you are.


You are an accomplished gentleman in your field whether that be the legal field, engineering or consulting. You’ve checked all of the boxes in terms of success: career, family, and community contribution….but something is still missing.

For far too long, you have lived your life doing for others and putting your needs last. You have made many sacrifices, but often your efforts go unappreciated.


You want to experience a bit of indulgence entirely for yourself. You crave the emotional and physical intimacy that has been void for far too long in your daily life. You miss the butterflies, excitement, and passion that used to motivate you, and you want to recapture that, even if only for short-term moments. You seek an environment where you can escape and have the focus be entirely on your needs.

SEARCH NO MORE. You have found your paradise.


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