Sep 29, 2022

The heaviness in your chest. The tightness in your throat. Knots in your stomach.

Far from a kink session, these are the feelings you may experience when anticipating that first meeting.

You’ve spent the time painstakingly reviewing my website. You peruse my gallery of pictures again….and again.

 “Is she real? She can’t be real. Please let her be real.”

The idea of your eyes, hands, lips getting familiar with every inch of my body. The energy is rising, and you can’t wait to meet in the flesh.

What will be experience be like?

Yes, you want that physical satisfaction, the release to reset your focus, but will it be more than that? Can it be more than that?

Not something mechanical. You want something MAGICAL. That rush of euphoria to fill that nagging void.

You open the door, greeted by soft music, sweet smells and oh my….the most intoxicating kiss. Blinded by the bombardment to your senses, it takes a moment for the haze to clear. A sigh of relief grounds you as you take me into your sights.

Attractive. Attentive. Even better than you had imagined. Dressed tastefully elegant – sexy, but not vulgar – I lead you as you bask in a sensual stupor and stumble to take a seat.

My warm inviting smile and deep brown almond eyes see you and pierce through you. For the moment we have together, you are mine to seduce.

We embark on a sensual, emotional, spiritual dance that puts us both in our peak state. Though we are new to each other, you feel safe to be you. Judgment doesn’t exist within our four walls.

Our time together leads us down many paths of pleasure, and we achieve intimacy on many different levels.  When we finally catch our breath and pause, staring deep into each other’s eyes, you know that this is something you must experience again. My naughty and mischievous smile confirms that future visits will always be welcome.

As you collect yourself and return to reality, images of our journey flash in front of you, teasing you for your return. The only question that remains is how soon.